Is Facebook’s dream finally being realized through ads? Various sources confirm mobile ads are far more profitable than desktop ads. It has also been observed that the number of ‘social clicks’ are significantly higher on mobile than desktop.
With the way social media introduces changes, advertisers must feel like yo-yos as the network pulls the strings: one day they are up, the next, down. Either way, they are certainly expecting to rope in mobile advertisers through some of their recent announcements:
- Following the success of Sponsored Stories on News Feed as well as the success of the beta version, Facebook SDK 3.0 for iOS is now available for download. This comes packed with a detailed ‘Ads Manger Guide’ that helps understand track and make the best use of advertising campaigns through the Response graph.
- App developers can now sign-up for the beta partners to advertise on mobile. By clicking the ad sends users are sent to the iOS App Store and Google Play to download apps in case they do not already have them installed. The ‘promote’ option allows advertiser to select the budget, app store, region and target audience for the ad. The ad’s budget and clicks can be tracked by the advertiser. However, clicking the ad does not ensure download. Where the number of clicks exceeds downloads, the ad is more successful in marketing (impression) than revenue generation (CTR).
- Facebook is also getting bolder, directly asking users about the kind of ads they prefer on their page. Clicking ‘tell us what you like’ users can remove ads that automatically appear on their page and select their preference.
But despite all efforts, there are still several grounds yet to be covered by the network. For instance, CRM and cloud marketing that have already made heady by many organizations. Salesforce seems to have beaten them in the race to acquire Buddy Media, which has “nearly 1,000 of the world’s largest companies” to their portfolio. Or maybe Facebook is in no hurry. The network is probably waiting to see how advertisers manage these changes before they begin bouncing them around again.
Seemi Munir Originally Found this Post on Avenuesocial.Com
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