Thursday, 29 March 2012

Facebook Timeline Takes Place Tomorrow

Facebook have ben announcing their new timeline for the past few months. I personally have been ignoring it as I really like the current Facebook page. Every time Facebook changes the layout or brings in a new feature there is always a backlash. In 2006 Facebook introduced the news feed which was met with a lot of negativity due to the fact that every post, picture, comment mentioned on your own wall was then immediately in the news feed. Facebook took note and amended their privacy settings so that people could then control what goes in the feed.

The Timeline will let people easily access their friends’ status updates and photos. I am sure by now a lot of you have already seen the timeline which shows the stories and photos of friends in a far more visual way.
The timeline is coming tomorrow and there is nothing we can do about it. There was the option to use the new feature since it was made public on December 15th last year. Now we have to use it, no opt in options. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your timeline.
1) Cover Photo
Make sure you pick the right photo for the cover as this is the biggest picture people will see when they land on your page.
2) Timeline
On the right hand side of the page, there is a timeline which shows the years you have been a member on Facebook. It also shows the times you were at school or working in a particular company (if you have added this to the timeline). Friends can also see the timeline if you allow this in your privacy settings.
3) Activity 
Now with the timeline there will be a log of all your activity on Facebook, showing photos you have tagged, updates you have made and so on. If you do not want to show all your activity you can hide it from your wall. If you want to get rid of an activity permanently, you will have to delete it.
4) Verify
Now that everything you do and post will be on the timeline, you will need to check it before it goes live if you want to avoid any embarrassing incidents being made public. There is the option to select the “timeline review” so make sure you use it.
5) PrivacyNow with the Facebook timeline, your friends post will appear on your timeline if they tag you. It is the same as if people tag you now, your friends’ post will be on your wall. If you do not want people to see that you have been tagged, you can amend your privacy settings so that “only me” sees the tags.
Hope you are all ready for the timeline that takes place tomorrow. I will be sad to see the old wall go, but I am sure in a few months time, it will all be forgotten.
This post originally appeared on  Seojoblogs.

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